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Here you will find information about the Periodontology section.

Periodontology is the part of dentistry that deals with the foundation of the teeth: the gums, the jawbone and the supporting tissues. Dental care includes diagnosis, prevention and treatment of inflammation and pain in the gums and jawbone; around the teeth and molars, but also around dental implants. In addition, we provide education and further training in the field of Periodontology and we conduct scientific research into the cause, prevention, prevention and treatment of periodontitis.


We treat patients referred to us with the following complaints: bleeding gums, painful and/or swollen gums, loose teeth, severe persistent inflammation, inflammation around implants and bad breath (halitosis).


Depending on what the dentist thinks you have, it will be determined which treatment is necessary for you. Special attention is paid to the gums, tongue, mouth cleaning and the use of specific mouth rinses. You may also be referred to a general practitioner, throat, nose and ear doctor, internist or a dental psychologist. Make an appointment via the secretariat: 020-598 03 22.

Treatment options

In addition, we offer treatment options that should help to get and keep the mouth healthy, such as: a second opinion (2nd opinion), prevention-oriented consultation, initial periodontal treatment, surgery for gum disease, aesthetic surgery, placing implants, and periodontal aftercare.

Depending on your preference and the seriousness and difficulty of the situation in your mouth, you will be assigned to a staff member, a dental periodontist in training, or a dental/oral health student. Because periodontitis often has multiple causes than just insufficient oral hygiene, ample attention is also paid to general health, the interaction with medication, and lifestyle factors.

Prior to each treatment, a consultation takes place with a periodontist or a periodontist in training. This depends on how you refer the patient. A treatment plan is drawn up based on the diagnosis. Depending on the seriousness and difficulty of the situation in your patient's mouth, it is recommended in consultation with your patient that the treatment be carried out by one of our staff members, a periodontist in training, or dental students. Treatments performed by students are always supervised by experienced teachers.

 In addition to the 'classic' periodontitis patient, very young patients (<18) or patients who run a higher risk of serious periodontal breakdown due to their general health and medication use are also very welcome. Research shows that conditions such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, oncology, immunological disorders, etc. have adverse effects on the course and response to treatment of periodontitis. See also the heading Medical Periodontology under 'Want to know more?'.

Other referral options:

  • Consultation / second opinion
  • Prevention
  • Non-surgical and surgical treatment of periodontitis
  • Interaction of periodontitis and general health (e.g. diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, oncology, immunological disorders, etc)
  • Periodontal aesthetic surgery (e.g. surgical crown extension, recession cover, etc.)
  • Implantology in periodontitis patients
  • Treatment of perimucositis / peri-implantitis
  • Bad breath (halitosis)
  • Periodontal aftercare

Urgent/pain complaint

For urgent or pain complaints you can contact us below.

Bad breath (halitosis)

Bad breath or halitosis is common; bad breath can be smelled in about 30% of people. Patients can suffer a lot from this themselves, but some do not notice anything themselves. In addition, someone may wrongly think that they suffer from bad breath.

Bad breath consultation hours

ACTA has a bad breath office where you can be examined and treated. You can visit the office hours with a referral letter from your dentist, oral hygienist, dental surgeon, general practitioner or a medical specialist. After you have made an appointment, you will receive an extensive questionnaire and information letter. During the consultation, your breath smell is determined in various ways. The dentist will smell the air from your mouth and nose with her own nose and also examine your breath odor with the help of a device.

Who are we?

  • Dentists and dentist-periodontists

    The employees below are staff members of the Periodontology section of ACTA. You can reach all our employees by e-mail via our general e-mail address:

    • Dr. M. Danser
      Charman, dentist-periodontist NVvP

    • Prof. Dr B. Loos
      Head of research, professor of periodontology, dentist

    • Dr. S. Bizzarro
      Dentist-periodontist NVvP

    • Dr. D. Chong

    • Dr. J. Graswinckel
      Dentist-periodontist NVvP and implantologist

    • Dr. M. Heidweiller
      Dentist-periodontist NVvP and implantologist NVOI

    • Dr. R. Huffels

    • Dr. T. de Jong
      Dentist-periodontist  NVvP

    • Drs. M. Kosho

    • Dr. T. Koster
      Periodontologist-NVvP and Implantologist-NVOI

    • Drs. I.Q. Pietersen

    • Dr. F. Rodríguez Sánchez
      Dentist-periodontist NVvP

    • Drs. B. Satana

    • Dr. T. Thomassen
      Dentist-periodontist NVvP

    • Dr. O. Veth
      Periodontologist-NVvP and Implantologist-NVOI
  • Dental Hygienists

    The employees below are staff members of the Periodontology section of ACTA. You can reach all our employees by e-mail via our general e-mail address:

    • J. Le Guen-Groot
      Head of dental hygienists, dental hygienist

    • A. Blik
      Dental hygienist

    • M. Blom
      Dental hygienist

    • S. Brugman
      Dental hygienist

    • K. Chan Pin Yin
      Dental hygienist

    • S. Douwes
      Dental hygienist

    • A. van Kouwen
      Dental hygienist

    • R.A. Mink
      Dental hygienist

    • dr. E. van der Sluijs
      Dental hygienist

    • M. Voll
      Dental hygienist
  • Support

    The employees below are staff members of the Periodontology section of ACTA. You can reach all our employees by e-mail via our general e-mail address:

    • Y. Plas
      Head of assistants

    • S. Baken
      Student Affairs Officer

    • N. El Boubsi
      Dental assistant

    • J. Dikkes
      Back office employee

    • T. Lambregts
      Management Assistant

    • M. Piek
      Back office employee

    • E. Vrieling-Pluijmers
      Practice Manager

    • A. Waszkowska
      Dental assistant
  • Teachers

    The employees below are staff members of the Periodontology section of ACTA. You can reach all our employees by e-mail via our general e-mail address:

    • drs. S. Bizzarro

    • M. Blom
      Line Integral Oral Care

    • M. Bussink
      Post HBO education and Clinic of General Oral Care (KAM)

    • drs. D. Chong
      Line Integral Oral Care

    • S. Douwes
      Line Integral Oral Care

    • drs. J. Graswinckel
      Oral Health Sciences

    • J. Le Guen-Groot
      Post HBO education

    • dr. M. Heidweller
      Oral Health Sciences

    • drs. R. Huffels
      Line Integral Oral Care

    • drs. T. de Jong
      Oral Health Sciences

    • drs. M. Kosho
      Paro consultant

    • prof. dr. M. Laine

    • dr. T. Koster
      Oral Health Sciences

    • dr. P. Rijkschroeff
      Elective education

    • dr. F. Rodríguez Sánchez
      Paro consultant

    • prof. dr. D. Slot
      Coordinator education

    • dr. E. van der Sluijs
      Line Integral Oral Care

    • drs. T. Thomassen
      Elective education

    • drs. O. Veth
      Oral Health Sciences

    • M. Voll
      Line Integral Oral Care

    • prof. dr. G. van der Weijden
  • Dentists-periodontists in training

    The employees below are staff members of the Periodontology section of ACTA. You can reach all our employees by e-mail via our general e-mail address:

    • Drs. F. Bussmeyer
      Dentist in training to become a periodontist 3rd year

    • Drs. N. Nijland
      Dentist in training to become a periodontist 3rd year

    • Drs. E. Petras
      Dentist in training to become a periodontist 3rd year

    • Drs. E. Steemers
      Dentist in training to become a periodontist 3rd year

    • Drs. W. Talbi
      Dentist in training to become a periodontist 3rd year

    • Drs. M. Agha
      Dentist in training to become a periodontist 2nd year

    • Drs. A. Dalesis
      Dentist in training to become a periodontist 2nd year

    • Drs. J. Lemain-Klein Meulekamp
      Dentist in training to become a periodontist 2nd year

    • Drs. D. Chong
      Dentist in training to become a periodontist 1st year

    • Drs. I. de Ruiter
      Dentist in training to become a periodontist 1st year

    • Drs. I. Vragkali
      Dentist in training to become a periodontist 1st year

More information

  • Actual


    The Periodontology section regularly organises events, such as promotions, inaugural lectures and referral evenings. For the most recent events, go to: Calendar > search bar > periodontology.


    Periodontology also occasionally appears in the news. For the most current news items go to: News > search bar > periodontology.

  • Medical Periodontology

    Periodontitis is a so-called 'multifactorial disease', which means that not only the situation in the mouth influences the health of the gums. Of course, good oral hygiene is important to keep the gums healthy. However, there are more factors that play a role in susceptibility to periodontitis and the body's response to treatment of the inflammation.

    It has been known for some time that the composition of the microflora influences the disease periodontitis, but in recent years it has become increasingly clear that other (systemic) disorders also have an unfavorable effect on periodontitis. Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity are the most common conditions that have been researched in recent years. It is important to recognise the interaction of these conditions with periodontitis in order to achieve a good treatment outcome. In addition, medications, diet and stress can also influence the course and treatment of periodontitis.

  • You have been referred

    For specialist dental care, your own dentist will register you at one of ACTA's staff clinics. We will then contact you to make an appointment. This concerns specific periodontal treatments that your own dentist prefers to have performed by a dentist or dental hygienist with more knowledge and experience in this area.

    In order to get a good picture of the situation in your mouth and the treatment you may need, an investigation is first carried out. This usually involves X-rays and measurements of the gums in the mouth. The use of medicines and your general health are also important for the study. Please bring a list of your medication with you. Based on all the data, we will look together with you to find the best treatment option.

  • Transaction overview

    Here you will find the most common performance codes for periodontics treatments. With these codes you can go to your health insurer for the declaration of your treatments. For more information about the rates, go to the rate booklet. See also:

  • Referrers

    The Periodontology section was founded in 1967 when Prof. Dr. Leo Coppes was commissioned by the University of Amsterdam to further deepen the field of periodontology. Within a university setting, the section focuses on patient care, education and research. Since 1991, ACTA has been offering postgraduate training where dentists are trained to become periodontists.

  • You want to refer

    If you want to refer a patient for diagnosis and possible treatment, you can use downloadable referral cards. You can of course also send a letter of referral to ACTA. Please indicate in both cases:

    • which patient is involved;
    • what the patient's complaint is;
    • what you have done to resolve the complaint and with what results;
    • what your request is;*
    • other relevant dental and medical information

    * diagnostics/second opinion, yes/no request to treat your patient

     Send the referral letter or card, with your signature, to the following address:

    ACTA, Periodontology Section
    attn. Appointments & Information service
    PO Box 7822
    1008 AA Amsterdam

    As soon as the dentists have completed the diagnostic consultation, you will receive a letter with the findings and possibly a treatment proposal. This also applies to the moment the treatment is completed; you will then receive a treatment letter.

  • Postgraduate

    Since 1991, the Periodontology section offers a postgraduate programme to dentists who want to delve further into periodontology. It is one of the few EFP-recognised postgraduate programmes in Europe. The programme is offered in English, lasts 3 years and is full-time. For more information: postgraduate programme in Oral Health Sciences.

  • Research

    Our research is divided into 3 research programs (also known as research priority area): Prevention & Public Health, Immunity & Oral Health, and Regenerative & Reconstructive Dentistry.


For making or moving appointments, for pain and/or urgent

Backoffice periodontology: 020-598 03 22

If no response: 020-598 03 80 (call centre ACTA)

View the contact information of ACTA

Outside office hours (only in case of pain or emergency)

Dentist Mediation Agency (TBB): 020-303 45 00 / 0900-82122 30


Portrait Monique Danser


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Copyright © 2024 - Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunde Amsterdam - ACTA is a partnership between VU and UvA