The department of Reconstructive Oral Care of ACTA organises the graduation profile in Oral Prosthodontics and Implantology. In the departments’ opinion the prosthetic problem and its possible treatment is leading for the choice of any implant treatment. The principles of Top Down Planning or also known as Backward Treatment Planning will therefore govern this course. The MSc students who complete this course will have the knowledge and ability to treat the widest variety of patients in this field. General and specialised dentists can trust fully on the competence of the MSc-Oral Health Sciences, profile Prosthodontics and Implantology dentist when referring patients.
Outline of the programme
The course of study shall consist of:
- Appropriate papers, which will include clinical practice, together with a thesis embodying the results of supervised research relating to the field of study.
- The candidate shall, before commencing the investigation to be described in the thesis or research report, secure the approval of the Head of the Department concerned and the Faculty for the topic chosen, the supervisor(s) and the proposed course of the investigation and the Ethical Commission of ACTA.
- A candidate will be required to keep terms in each year of the programme.
- Terms may be withheld from students whose performance or achievement is unsatisfactory.
A more complete overview can be found in the Overview Implantology and Prosthodontics 2022-2023.
All Oral Health Sciences students are conferred a joint master’s degree in Oral Health Sciences by both the University of Amsterdam and VU Amsterdam, which specifies the chosen graduation profile. This three year master course will comply with the conditions stated by the NVOI (Dutch Association for Oral Implantology) for registration as a dentist specialized in Oral Implantology (Tandarts Implantoloog) in the Netherlands. Application for registration as such is the responsibility of the candidate and will be judged by the Concilium Implantologicum of the NVOI.