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ACTA organises several courses, some of which are mandatory.

Please check the ’Courses’ section for an overview of current courses and more information. All courses are in English. You can contact the Graduate School of Dentistry studies if you have questions about following a course outside of ACTA. More information can be found in the following document: ECTS points Training and Supervision Plan.

Mandatory courses

Mandatory depending on previous education/type of research project

  • Dentistry for non-dentists 
  • Oral Biology
    This course is primarily intended to prepare PhD students for laboratory work. It is therefore preferable to take the course as early as possible in the PhD trajectory. Do so in consultation with your supervisor.

Mandatory for researchers doing clinical research


  • Grant writing 

Research Institute

ACTA t.a.v. Directeur Onderzoek

Location: 6N-18
Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004
1081LA Amsterdam


Portrait Cees Kleverlaan