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prof. dr. ir. Monique van der Veen

Full Professor, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam, Paediatric Dentistry

Full Professor, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam, Preventive Dentistry

Personal information

Prof. Dr. Ir. Monique van der Veen (1967) was trained at the University of Groningen as applied physicist with a focus on optics. She then moved to dentistry working on the development of optical tools for caries and plaque assessment. She held positions as researcher and lecturer at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IN, USA), Liverpool University (UK) and since 2007 at Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) and University for Applied Sciences Inholland (Amsterdam). Next to diagnostic sciences, her research focuses on a transdisciplinary approach to health amplition and the diminishing of health equalities via participatory action research and systems thinking. 

Current projects: 

Ancillary activities
  • Hogeschool in Holland Mondzorgkunde | Amsterdam | Medewerker | 2009-11-02 - present
  • European Organization for Caries Research | Basel | Bestuurder | 2013-07-02 - present
  • Stichting Orale Biologie | Huizen | Bestuurder | 2014-10-01 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

prof. dr. ir. Monique van der Veen


  • Public Health, Health inequality, Transdisciplinary research (TDR), health behav...



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