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Learn more after your master

Applying for Oral Health Sciences

Per year, only 1-4 students per graduation profile are selected for the postgraduate master's programme. Specifics about the application process and requirements can be found below. It is important to note that, unfortunately, ACTA does not offer any scholarships or loans to students. However, students with a Dutch degree in dentistry can, under certain circumstances, apply for the so-called levenlanglerenkrediet from DUO.

Because of its international character, the programme is taught in English. However, even though 30-50% of the students are international, the communication with patients is usually in Dutch. Therefore, students are expected to have sufficient Dutch language skills to take a patient's basic medical history at the start of the programme.

Minimal requirements


  • Course fees

    The annual course fees differ per graduation profile. For the academic year 2025-2026:

    • Endodontology: € 22,550
    • Orofacial Pain and Dysfunction: € 15,950
    • Periodontology: € 27,560
    • Paediatric Dentistry: € 15,950
    • Prosthodontics and Oral Implantology: € 27,560


  • Deadlines

    Deadline application February 29th 2024, 11:59 PM, CET for OHS profiles:

    • Endodontology, 
    • Orofacial Pain and Dysfunction 
    • Prosthodontics and Oral Implantology

    Deadline application January 31st 2024, 11:59 PM, CET for OHS profiles: 

    • Periodontology  
    • Paediatric Dentistry
  • Application documents

    • Application form 
    • Proof of experience in general dentistry after graduation (minimum of 1 year)
    • Letter of motivation
    • Curriculum Vitae
    • A minimum of 2 letters of recommendation to be send directly by the referee to the appropriate profile director, whose address can be found below.
    • (International) master's degree in dentistry (recognised under Dutch law)
    • BIG registration number 
    • Copy of Hepatitis B vaccination and titer determination, officially translated into English or Dutch
    • Reanimation & AED certificate (not older than 2 years) 
    • Radiology certificate (not older than 4 years)
  • Application procedure

    After the application deadline (see Deadlines) all the complete applications will be forwarded to the selection committees of the relevant graduation profiles. After a screening, some of you will be invited for one or more interviews at the end of January/February. The selection interview will take place at ACTA. The outcome of the selection procedure will follow around the end of February.

  • Letters of recommendation

    The letters of recommendation (minimum 2) should be sent directly by the referee to the appropriate profile director by post (see contact) or e-mail to the following e-mail address:

    Endodontologydr. H. Shemesh, profile director (a.i.), Dept. of 
    Orofacial Pain and Dysfunction dr. M. Koutris, Dept. of Orofacial Pain and 
    Periodontology dr M.M. Danser, Dept. of
    Paediatric Dentistrydr. C.C. Bonifácio, Dept. of Paediatric
    Prosthodontics and Oral Implantologyprof. A.J.