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Oral Health Sciences is a joint degree programme of 2 universities: VU Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam.

The programme has evolved out of 5 dental differentiation programmes, offering (clinical) education at ACTA for many years. The average minimum time commitment is 40 hours per week. Students are at ACTA 3-5 days per week, depending on the chosen graduation profile. Combining your study with work is possible, but we do recommend you to discuss this beforehand with the relevant profile director. Note: combining 2 graduation profiles is not possible.

4 components

The following 4 components are offered throughout the entire programme:

  1. In the joint courses the focus is on the interprofessional exchange of dentists’ experiences and current literature to stay informed within all fields of dentistry (30 ECTS);
  2. in the research track the research skills are further developed culminating in a thesis (24 ECTS);
  3. in the profile specific theoretical courses in-depth knowledge of seminars, specialist literature and debates is gained (36 ECTS);
  4. in the profile specific clinics dentists acquire the necessary clinical competences of their graduation profile (90 ECTS).

Study guide

Visit the Study guide for the most recent study guide and extra information about each graduation profile. 

Choose a specialisation


The Endodontology programme contains a highly integrated selection of courses and emphasises the development of strong basic scientific background with advanced diagnostic and clinical skills.

Orofacial Pain and Dysfunction

OPD encompasses the diagnosis and management of clinical problems, such as temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain; dental sleep medicine (e.g. sleep bruxism); and tooth wear.

Paediatric Dentistry

The Paediatric Dentistry programme contains highly integrated courses and emphasises the development of a strong basic scientific background together with clinical skills focused on preventive and therapeutic paedriatric care.


Periodontology focuses on treating patients suffering from specific periodontal diseases. Extensive training in research within the broad field of periodontology also make up a big part.

Prosthodontics and Oral Implantology

Prosthodontics and Oral Implantology provides knowledge and ability to treat the widest variety of patients within the field of oral reconstructive care.


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